الأحد، 19 ديسمبر 2010

by-reham alharbi

Problems of education built
. 1 .Some students or trainees, inexperienced or skilled enough to deal with computers and networks
. 2 .There is no guarantee that the existing hardware of learners or trainees in their own homes or in places of training By studying the course online on the same efficiency and ability, speed, and equipment and it is suitable for methodological content of the course
. 3 .Many difficulties in the systems and speed networking and communications in places of study.
. 4 .Several difficulties in the evaluation and monitoring system and the patch and taking the absence



Blended learning is not without problems must be considered into account, including:1. Some students or trainees, inexperienced or skilled enough to deal with computers, networks, and this is the most important barriers to
e-learning, especially if we are talking about the kind of self-learning.
There is no guarantee that the existing hardware of learners or trainees in their own homes or in training facilities, which are studying the course online on the same efficiency and ability, speed, and equipment and it is suitable for systematic content of the course
Many difficulties in the systems and speed networking and communications in places of study.
Several difficulties in the evaluation and monitoring system and the patch and taking the absence.

5 - most important problems of blended learning provides qualified personnel in this type of learning.


by:Hanan Al-shehri

الجمعة، 17 ديسمبر 2010

~ Blended learning

 shoa-a Al-modahi

Considerations in blended learning:
BLENDED learning increases the options for greater quality and quantity of human interaction in a learning environment. Blended learning offers learners the opportunity “to be both together and apart.” A community of learners can interact at any time and anywhere because of the benefits that computer-mediated educational tools provide. Blended learning provides a ‘good’ mix of technologies and interactions, resulting in a socially supported, constructive, learning experience;
this is especially significant given the profound effect that it could have on distance learning


الخميس، 16 ديسمبر 2010

Definition of Blended learning شيماء الثنيان

Blended Learning refers to a mixing of different learning environments. The phrase has many specific meanings based upon the context in which it is used.
Blended learning gives learners and teachers a potential environment to learn and teach more effectively

A blended learning approach can combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction. It also applies science or IT activities with the assistance of educational technologies using computer, cellular or Smartphones, Satellite television channels, videoconferencing and other emerging electronic media. Learners and teachers work together to improve the quality of learning and teaching, the ultimate aim of blended learning being to provide realistic practical opportunities for learners and teachers to make learning independent, useful, sustainable and ever growing


Blended Learning

Blended Learning is learning which combines online and face-to-face approaches. . In the past, digital materials have served in a supplementary role, helping to support face to face instruction .
For example, a blended approach to a traditional, face to face course might mean that the class meets once per week instead of the usual three-session format. Learning activities that otherwise would have taken place during classroom time can be moved online .
Blended learning is a powerful training solution that combines e-learning with a variety of other delivery methods for a superior learning experience .
by : Hanan Al-hawas

الاثنين، 6 ديسمبر 2010

((Internet Violence))

حنان الشهري

  • 1 in 5 children are approached by an Internet predator.
  • Predators contact teenagers and children over the Internet through social networking sites such as Facebook.
  • Predators also use the Internet for the production, manufacture, and distribution of child pornography, exposing youth to child pornography and encourage them to exchange pornography or worse entice children to meet for the purpose of having sex.
  • Most but not all victims are between the age of 12 and 15 years old.
  • Most victims do not set up privacy or security settings to block strangers and, in fact, willingly engage in conversations with strangers.
  • Most victims tend to be loners with few offline friends. They are often looking for love and affection online. Many children contacted by predators believe they are communicating with someone around their own age, and not with an adult.
  • Most victims are secretive about their Internet activities.

شيماء الثنيان

Theft of personal information

In a perfect world, when it comes to preventing identity theft, everyone would treat their personal information as if it is the most precious trade secret or a matter of national security. Unfortunately, the reality is most people hand over their personal information and documents to just about anyone who asks
From name, address, date of birth and phone number, to Social Security number, credit card numbers, bank account numbers and even passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs), the majority of citizens will hand over their identifying information without thinking about why they 've just surrendered the keys to their personal and financial lives